Monday, October 13, 2014

Can a man's skin be too soft?

We love soft skin here at Anna's and Ella's but does every one?

Now we all know that a quintessential feminine trait is soft skin, but do we hold men to the same standard? I know I do, but apparently many women "like it rough"so to speak. But why? Why would a soft delicate flower off a woman want a man that feels like a cedar branch instead of a orchids petal? We hit the streets of Miami to find out.

While trolling down 7th avenue in the heart of Miami I ran into a wonderful woman named Vicky that was more than happy to give us her opinion on the matter.

Me: Why do you think some women like men with rough skin?

Vicky: First off where it's the rough skin located?

Me: Why does that matter?

Vicky:   Because! If it's his hands or feet, then I know he probably works hard. If it's his back then he most likely  hadn't had a good woman in his life for a while because if he did she would've scrubbed his back for him, and if it's his arms or legs he just doesn't care to take care of himself.

Me:Woah! Ok so women take calluses as a sign of hard this is a sociological predisposition? Our modern women are using primitive techniques in finding a mate. I'm not sure if this way of thinking can hold up in this day and age. In the past when women relied on men for protection and a bunch of other "manly stuff" then rough skin could definitely be a sign that you've found a capable suitor; but now in 2014 when it is more likely that you are using your brains instead of Braun in the work place is this a reliable method?

Vicky: I didn't say it was smart, I just said women do it. Lol.

   Well there you have it! If you still live in the stone ages then YES a man's skin can be too soft! If you are reading this though you are currently in the year 2014 and in 2014 we like men with soft skin. We want you to still be able to change a car tire, but yeah we like soft skin.